Breaking News

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Windows Phone users lose two major banking apps in Australia

Windows Phone users lose two major banking apps in Australia

Due to their exclusive nature and general convenience, banking apps are very important for a mobile platform, and recently we, unfortunately, have had to report on these apps leaving the Windows Phone platform.
Today two important Australian banks join the list of departing apps.
Commbank has confirmed on Twitter that, after a backend change, their app is no longer supported, and suggests users use their iOS or Android apps.
Another Australian bank, Westpac, will soon also be withdrawing both their phone and tablet apps, saying in an email to users.
Westpac will remove the apps at the end of April, and recommend users use their website.
A rather emotional message in the reviews of one of the app suggests the disruption this can cause to some customers.
Ok app until it recently stopped working, live in isolated town and now can not access bank accounts. Thanks a lot how to I get money now apart from selling cans for scrap you idiots, support for app ended no more money wtf Update: Totally broke now, still can’t access my bank funds, help
As is usually the case these days, we recommend users make their plans to switch to a better-supported platform before rather than after their crucial apps are discontinued, to better manage the transition.
Thanks, Brent3000 for the tip.

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